CAP offers several advantages to help your company be successful!

  • Presence In Government –  When it comes to issues that concern and impact your carwash, CAP is there to ensure that the interests of the professional carwash industry are represented. By maintaining an open line of communication with lawmakers CAP is your voice in state government.
  • Member-Only Programs – Whether it’s insurance programs or credit cards, CAP has a program that can save you big bucks! Enrolling in just one of these programs will more than cover the cost of your dues
  • NEWS re:CAP – The Official Newsletter of the Carwash Association of Pennsylvania
    When neccessary, CAP distributes to members timely and relevant news via our emergency eblast news bulletins or scheduled news letters. These publications feature announcements and articles on issues which affect our business and the car care industry.CAP Members have the opportunity to advertise in this publication which goes out to more than 1300 recipients
  • Membership Meetings – CAP will hold scheduled General and Regional meetings throughout the year and throughout the state, featuring speakers, updates on CAP member benefits, and networking opportunities with other carwash professionals.  Member interest and participation will dictate this schedule.
  • Annual Member Dinner and Table-Top Show
  • Pennsylvania State Legislative and Regulatory Monitoring
  • Experienced Board of Directors who meet regularly on behalf of their membership.